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Jumat, 30 Mei 2008

Naruto Chapter 402 Released

Gak kerasa dah seminggu, dan naruto chapter 402 akhirnya terbit juga. Chapter ini masih membosankan, coz kebanyakan flash back kehidupan Sasuke ama Itachi. Tapi aku cukup terhibur dengan melihat Mangekyou sharingan Sasuke, yang menurutku keren sekali. Mangekyou sharingan Sasuke mirip dengan berlian yang memancarkan amarah terhadap Konoha yang telah membuat keluarganya hancur dan terbunuhnya Itachi sang kakak tersayang. Ahhh....terlalu banyak ngomong neh, jadi silahkan mendownload sepuasnya. Oh iya, aku pengen tahu neh???Apa pendapat kalian dengan Naruto versi bahasa Indonesiaku. Keren gak????Jawabnya di Shoutbox aza yah!!!!!

Naruto Manga Chapter 402

Naruto Chapter 402 : "Last Words" (English)

Naruto Chapter 402 : "Kata-Kata Terakhir" (Indonesia)

Naruto Shippuden Episode 61

Naruto Shippuden Episode 61 : "Contact"

Furido fights and taunts Sora until Sora’s true powers are unleashed. Naruto continues his fight with Fūka and learns that she can use all five elemental jutsus. Naruto manages to chop off some of Fūka’s hair and, infuriated, she manages to kiss Naruto and begin draining his chakra. Sakura, Sai and Yamato arrive to help but Fudo and Fuen trap them. Chiriku and the other monks arrive and Furido and his team retreat.

Selasa, 27 Mei 2008

Naruto Chapter 401 Released

Maaf yah, kalau aku terlambat memposting chapter ini. Karena selama tiga hari mulai hari Jum'at kemarin sampai hari Senin, aku harus keluar kota untuk urusan yang menyangkut masa depanku (wuihh...gayanya bilang masa depan). Jadi gak sempat deh mengupdate blog. Jadi, langsung aja yah!!!Silahkan mendownload chapter ini dengan dua bagian seperti biasa yaitu yang English Translation dan Indonesia Transalation (hasil editanku sendiri loh).
Tapi sebelumnya aku mau cerita dikit neh. Waktu aku mendownload hasil translate dari IndoMS (sebagai bahan reperensi merangkap penyemangat, coz ternyata hasil kerjaku lebih baik dari punya mereka. Hehehehe. Mode sombong ON) ada sebuah note yang menarik perhatianku, yaitu mereka bilang kalau hasil scanlation mereka dipakai buat nyari duit oleh orang lain dengan mendaftarkannya ke UserCash atau Ziddu (kalau lum tahu..UserCash ama Ziddu itu tempat nyari duit dengan mengubah alamat link menjadi duit bila kita mengklik link tersebut). Wahhh,kupikir kejam banget yang ngelakuin hal itu. Coz aku sendiri gak terima kalau hasil kerja kerasku seenaknya dipakai orang lain untuk keuntungan pribadi. Jadi kuharap kalian yang mendownload hasil kerja kerasku dalam membuat seri bahasa Indonesia ini tidak melakukan hal tersebut. Kan aku beri ke kalian gratis, masa mau kalian manfaatkan seh kebaikanku ini. Thanx sebelumnya. Hidup Manga Indonesia!!!

Naruto Manga Chapter 401

Naruto Chapter 401 : "Illusions" (English)

Naruto Chapter 401 : "Illusions" (Indonesia)

Naruto Shippuden Episode 60

Naruto Shippuden Episode 60 : "Mutability"

Yamato and the gang face off against tough opponents, some of whom have advanced ninjutsu techniques. Yamato eludes his extremely strong opponent, a man called Fudo, when he is mistaken for dead. Sora, unwilling to look for Naruto, goes off on his own and leaves Sakura behind. Naruto fights a pretty redhead, Fuka, whose kiss is fatal. While he tricks her with his shadow clones, she shows her ability to manipulate earth, fire, water and lightning. Sora then finds the enemy leader, Furido, and it is revealed that he was the group’s target.

Kamis, 22 Mei 2008

Naruto Chapter 401 Spoiler Script

Ini ada spoiler script untuk naruto chapter 401. Spoiler script yang ada di sini bisa kamu lihat di

Verification: Pending
Source: NF
Credits: Pocketmofo

Sasuke: It’s ridiculous. He tried to kill me countless times.

Madara: If he was serious about killing you, he would have already.

Sasuke: He even used his eye techniques to try and kill me!

*Flashback to the scene where Itachi uses Amaterasu.

Madara: Your reaction to his attack was a part of his plan. He knew he had to push you into a corner.

「もうお前は気付いて るだろ?」
Madara: You must have figured it out by now, right?

*Sasuke remembers back when Itachi finished off Orochimaru

*Madara looks at Sasuke’s neck

マダラ「呪印からの解放。そしてもっとも親しい者の死……お前にマン毛を開眼させる戦いでもあ った」
Madara: To release you from the cursed seal. And the death of the one closest to you…the fight was just as much about forcing you to unlock the Mangekyou Sharingan.

「あれ はすべてイタチの仕組んだ戦いだった。お前の眼を奪う芝居を最後まで演じきってな」
Madara: All of it was part of the fight Itachi planned. He put on the act of trying to take your eyes up until the very end.

*Sasuke is silent

Madara: Have you taken it all in?

サスケ「お前は嘘をついてる!」「キュウビに里を襲わせたのはお前の仕業だとイタチは言った! 」
Sasuke: You’re lying! Itachi said that you were the one that unleashed the Kyuubi on the village!

*Another flashback to what Itachi said during the fight

Sasuke: To give the Uchiha a bad name! To play games with the clan!

マダラ「さっきも言ったがそれも嘘だ。お前に真実が伝わるのをイタチは恐れていた」「その可能 性を残さぬよ うにお前にオレを信用させない為嘘をつき、天照までも仕込んだ」
Madara: I said it before, but that is a lie. Itachi feared that I might tell you the truth. In order to prevent such a possibility he lied to you so you wouldn’t trust me and even rigged your eyes with Amaterasu.

Sasuke: You think I can believe you?! Itachi was evil! He was a criminal made so by Akatsuki!

マダラ「ただ一人決してぬぐえぬ罪を背負い里を抜けてなお暁に入り込み里にとって危険な組織を 内側から見張 っていた……常に里を想いながら……そしてお前のことを……お前を守る約束をした3代目が死ん でイタチはす ぐ木の葉に姿を表した」
Madara: He took on the burden of a crime that cannot be erased and even in leaving the village joined Akatsuki, an organization considered a threat to the village, to monitor its activities from the inside…thinking of the village…and of you. When the 3rd Hokage, who had promised Itachi he would watch over you, died Itachi immediately appeared in the village.

Madara; It was as a warning to the village elders…he thought of you above all…

「やめろぉ!!うそだ!全部― ―」
Sasuke: Stop it!! It’s a lie! It’s all----

Madara: Because you are still alive!

*Sasuke makes more about to pass out/crazy freakout faces.

*Flashback to a scene in the fight between Sasuke and Itachi

マダラ「お前の眼はイタチのことを見抜けなかった。何一つ見抜けなかった」「だがイタチは…友 を殺し上司を 殺し恋人を殺し父を殺し母を殺した………だが弟だけは殺せなかった」
Madara: In the end your eyes couldn’t see through Itachi at all. Your eyes couldn’t see a single thing. But Itachi…he killed his friends…his superiors…his lover…his father…and his mother…but you were the only one he just couldn’t kill.

*Madara cuts Sasuke’s ropes with a kunai

マダラ「涙を流しながら感情を一切殺して里の為に同胞を殺した男が……お前を殺せなかった―― その意味がわ かるか?」
Madara: The man who while shedding a tear cut away all his feelings and killed his fellow countrymen for the sake of the village…couldn’t kill you. Do you understand the meaning behind that?

Madara: To him, your life was even more important than the village.
*Sasuke has his pretty boy face on again

「あいつは死んでもなおお前に力を授けるためお前に倒されることでうちは一族の敵を討った―― 英雄にお前を 仕立て上げるために」
Madara: In his dying he did it to pass his power on to you and in being defeated by you avenge the Uchiha clan—and make you a hero by defeating him.

*Flashback of scene where Itachi spits up blood

Madara: Even as he felt his own end coming from the disease eating away at him he took medication to keep living…for his brother who he loved most dearly…

*Flashback of Itachi’s death scene

*Then the candles in the cave/room go out.

*He had to die in front of you during your battle with him.

*Scene changes to Sasuke staring out at the sea.

He, for the sake of the leaf village and for the sake of you, wished to die as a criminal and a traitor.

He traded honor for a sullied name…he traded love for scorn...

…and even with all that, Itachi died smiling.

*Last panel is Sasuke

*Itachi kept you in the dark all this time to pass on the name Uchiha to you…

Berikut beberapa gambar yang mendukung script ini :


Senin, 19 Mei 2008

Naruto Manga Volume 43

Setelah naruto chapter 399 released, kuputuskan untuk mengupload seri naruto volume 43. Bagi yang berminat untuk mendownload volume 43 ini, silahkan mengikuti link di bawah ini!!

Naruto Manga Volume 43

Naruto Shippuden Episode 59

Naruto Shippuden Episode 59 : "New Enemy"

Tsunade, suspecting that Danzo is plotting something, orders an investigation on him. Naruto, Sakura, Sai, Yamato, Chiruku and Sora notice the coffins moving on their own, and try to intercept them. Just as Naruto and Sora are about to reach them, the coffins to sink into the ground. The coffins emerge on a cliff. A ninja activate the Wheel of Fortune jutsu, which turns the area into a maze of rocky canyons and pits, full of deadly traps. The team members are separated from each other, and begin facing off against the enemy.

Minggu, 18 Mei 2008

Naruto The Movie 4

Demons that once almost destroyed the world have been revived by someone. To prevent the world from being destroyed, Naruto is to guard Shion, but she predicts Naruto's death. The only way to escape it is to get away from Shion, which would leave her unguarded, then the demons, whose only goal is to kill Shion will do so, thus meaning the end of the world. Naruto decides to challenge this "prediction of death", and not leave Shion.

Jumat, 16 Mei 2008

Naruto Chapter 400 Released

Cerita masih berlanjut dengan kisah tentang Itachi, semakin Sasuke mendengarkan cerita Madara semakin dia terkejut dengan kebenaran yang dibeberkannya. Apakah Sasuke akan mempercayai seluruh cerita Madara?

Naruto Manga Chapter 400

Naruto Chapter 400 : "In Hell!!" (English)

Naruto Chapter 400 : "Di Neraka!!" (Indonesia)

Sabtu, 10 Mei 2008

Naruto Shippuden Episode 57 & 58

Naruto Shippuden Episode 57 : Devriped of Eternal Sleep

Naruto, Sakura, Sai and Yamato head out for a mission near the Fire Temple, the team gets seperated and Naruto finds one of the four hidden tombs they came to protect. After a misunderstanding, he fights one of the monks from the Fire Temple. The monks and Team Kakashi find the two and clear up the misunderstanding. They all travel to the Fire Temple, and Naruto realizes he recognizes the temple from a nightmare.

Naruto Shippuden Episode 57 : Loneliness

The temple monks explain that the tombs hold the loyal bodyguards of Fire Country’s feudal lord. Naruto challenges Sora, but as Sora is about to get serious, another monk stops him. Naruto realizes Sora is despised by the other monks as Naruto was himself and wishes to befriend him. Naruto visits Sora again and observes Sora practicing wind jutsu.

Naruto Chapter 399 Released

Setelah dua minggu nunggu akhirnya terbit juga chapter 399. Maaf kalau telat memposting naruto chapter 399 ini. Seperti biasa resensi dulu, OKE!!! Madara melanjutkan cerita tentang sejarah Konoha, juga bagaimana pertemuannya dengan Hashirama pemimpin Klan Senju, dan bagaimana awal mula kehancuran Klan Uchiha. Serta kenyataan mengejutkan tentang mengapa Itachi membantai seluruh Klan Uchiha. Semua dapat kamu simak di chapter ini. Dan seperti biasa, ada yang Edisi Bahasa Indonesia juga.

Naruto Manga Chapter 399

Naruto Chapter 399 : "The Beginning of Everything" (English)

Naruto Chapter 399 : "Awal Dari Semuanya" (Indonesia)

Jumat, 02 Mei 2008

News Update Naruto

Karena di Jepang minggu ini lagi ada hari libur Golden Week. Beberapa komik mingguan kemungkinan tidak akan terbit termasuk Naruto. Jadi, minggu ini bakalan g ada Naruto Chapter 399.
Tapi minggu depan Naruto Chapter 399 pasti terbit. Kalau masih g yakin tentang kebenaran informasi ini silahkan kunjungi website Lihat artikel berjudul A Note and Updates. Sabar yah nunggunya, minggu depan chapter 399 pasti akan kumuat disini, dan akan selalu kumuat yang Indonesia Translation.